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Weitsicht Cobenzl

The popular destination and event location “Schloss Cobenzl” was renewed. Realarchitektur in cooperation with mostlikely architecture won the EU-wide competition and were appointed as the architects for the project.

Fotos : ©Mato Johannik

Zeichnungen: Arge REALARCHITEKTUR-mostlikely architecture

Weitsicht Cobenzl
REALARCHITEKTUR in cooperation with Mostlikely Architecture

team REALARCHITEKTUR: Petra Petersson, Beatriz Perez, Christopher  Leitner
Conversion ca. 4.700 m² new buildings ca. 3.700 m² Gross area
Competition 1. Prize 2018 // Planning Permit 2019 

Opening September 2022

Fotos Mato Johannik

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